Get out of my dreams. I accept that we're never going to be like how we use to be. I have closure. Leave me alone.
"I heard a lot of people call Bruges quaint, and while it did feel like an open air history museum to me, there's nothing quaint about living among history, grappling with the gifts and insufficiencies of your ancestors. To live in Bruges, is to be reminded everyday there were people before you were a person, which of course reminds you that there will be people after. I think we owe both the dead and the not-yet-living the same thing: the daily awareness that human life is ours only in trust. It's worth remembering that seven hundred years later we don't remember the individuals that built the belfry, or dubbed the canals. We don't remember their political affiliations, or nationalistic identities. We remember them as a collective, just as we ourselves will be remembered as a collective, for what we did, and what we failed to do, together."
John Green
I have a lot to talk about in therapy tomorrow. It's been two weeks..