"i've come out ot all the important people. i'll figure out a way to come out to everyone else"
hunty and i went on another adventure. i took:
a giant rock from a roof.
a smaller rock from a less sketch roof.
a football.
a rope.
a lock connected to a chain.
a row of tiles.
a tile.
and electrical tape.
i hope lucas doesn't spread the joy of my blog. jeremy kind of went on a rant a little about how he thought it wasn't a good idea to post your innermost thoughts online for everyone to see that isn't completely private. aaaaaaaaand. i guess that's true. but. uh. i don't know! not much to say on the subject. but i think lucas wouldn't be able to handle diving into this pool of depression, weird dreams, tales of climbing countless hotel stairs to find roof access, and neverending circles of rambling nonsense.
but he has hunty's. it won't be long till he gets to me. OH WELL.
i wish i could punch elly's mom in the face sometimes.
and sometimes everything she does/says makes me weak.
that family is crazy. i don't blame elly for thinking she was adopted or something haha. she is nothing like them. i mean, jozy? really? elly is related to jozy tier? haahha. kidding kidding. i hope she has a blessed day.
i can tell my mom is struggling for money. really struggling. she insists on taking me out to eat though. i guess that's so she doesn't have to go to the store. that's what my dad does. his fridge is full of purely liquids. of the alcoholic persuasion. and his pantry of assorted chips, salsas, and real food for me when i come over for the weekends.
my mom is just in a bad place right now. she hasn't been this bad in a while. a lot of people are concerned. dionne, my friends. it's weird. i just. i don't know. there's not much i can do. except say ramen is okay for dinner i don't want to go out haha. speaking of ramen. i think i'll go have some.
ending this on a weird note again. i think i'm going to try to make it a point now to end them on good ones. sooooo..
here's a picture of elly.
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