Monday, November 30, 2009
- my mom offered me to stay home from school
- i had a chicken biscuit for breakfast
- i've almost finsihed everything on my to-do list
- me and caleb were better
- i didn't get frustrated in theory
- i made good points in senior prep
- me and darrin had an awesome time in orchestra as usual
- bus was awesome. we are so.. close. and open with eachother. feels like a minifamily within my GSA family. it's really.. just awesome
- i think i talked to elly a good amount today? i think i'm getting better
- i sent in my VCU application!
- i drank two liters of water
- i ate every three hours
- i'm about to work out with my mom
- i taught my mom some music theory
soooo. um.
You know what you want, but the situation keeps changing like the winds on a spring day. Just as you get comfortable with flying your kite one way, everything shifts and you must readjust your behavior in order to prevent it from crashing down to earth. This would not be a problem, except that you must pay constant attention or suffer the consequences. Maintaining a high level of concentration is your spiritual practice now and if you succeed, the rewards will be worth the wait.
let's hope so mr. horoscope.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
64 for november?! ahahaha
▼ 2009 (168)
► November (64)
purple sheets
zodiacly speaking,
elly is sixteen going on seventeen.
i'm not sure if i believe in this stuff.
i am a lion.
hiiiiii blogggggggg, i. uh. yeah. i'd love to f...
fuck you.
you may say that i'm a dreamer.. but i'm not the o...
you're in my body.. still.
me and hunter are blogging fiends.
public pajamas. someone needs to get crackin' on t...
alaska is a little scallywag
virginia beach!
dionne wright.
just da tip!
pet peeve.
not feeling good at all lately,
at tallwood this is how i stand waiting for the bu...
um. excuse me sir..
yes please.
i want my daughter to have a name like these..
anyone else see a resemblance?
margo roth spiegelman.
i'm at katie's house.
I'm talkin bout everybody gettin crunk crunk, Boys...
you're in my body/that's where i think about you
afro jazz
caleb sleepover 2x
"i love you." "i love you too." "promise?" "..yes"...
maybe i'll switch to tumblr? i use a bunch of tumb...
paper towns.
i learned a song on guitar for you too.
everytime i talk to you. it's about how horny you ...
i'm sorry.
not good.
thank you.
who cares.
it's funny you said that i think about that all th...
things on my mind.
fascinated by suicide.
i get to see pearl today.
fuck you
just lifting my fingers to type. they're so ...
Hey, Strong Bad! I need to be kicked in the face.
run me over.
► October (44)
► September (30)
► August (30)
i was told that he died in his sleep. this was a long time ago. like middle school age. but he took a gun to his head. because my grandma was really sick and he loved her so much. they told her that he died in his sleep too.
i also realized that my mom probably wouldn't let me see prince of tides because there was a character named savannah who tried killing herself mulitiple times.
i'm not really.. that bothered by it either. kind of sucks that their little way of protecting me from suicide didn't help at all.
i wish my grandma knew what happened to my grandpa. that's completely unfair.
i had a dream my parents read this. and i texted someone saying like.. WHATTHEFUCKKK. and my parents read that too. i'm really paranoid sometimes.
i'm wearing pearl's giant 17th street hoodie. it's a good "i'msick" hoodie. IT'S FILLED WITH DA GERMS NOW!
i'm going to go watch the rest of that movie. it's so weird hearing my name all the time. savannah this savannah that.
christmas is coming up.. i've never really been that big of a christmas list maker. i usually get something ridiculous that i'd never use or that one big thing i wanted. like an ipod or something. i don't know. it seems selfish and dumb to make a giant list.
it's usually just one thing i want. or nothing. same for birthdays.
gift giving is just strange on the recieving end. it's fun giving!
alright. i gotta pee.
why is "have you ever cried yourself to sleep?" a question? and why is it always about your ex's on those myspace surveys? something always has to do with kissing/dancing/liking rain.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
elly is sixteen going on seventeen.
i'm not sure if i believe in this stuff.
Symbol: The Lion
Ruling Planet: Sun
Quality: Fixed
Element: Fire
Basic Trait: I Will
Closest Metal: Gold
Lucky Day: Sunday
Lucky Colors: Gold, Orange and Yellow
Lucky Gems: Carbuncles, Rubies and Diamonds
Lucky Flowers: Marigolds and Daffodils
The zodiac sign of Leo has the symbol of 'The Lion' and just like a lion;
am i the big ego, assholey, self-absorbed leo?
Friday, November 27, 2009
i am a lion.
i can.. not be self-destructive.
i can.. not be a stupid asshole.
i think i can do this. i think this is good for me.
i love you okay?
let's work harder at this.
the cat's flock to me when i cry.
i don't know why i'm still crying. things are supposedly on the rise.
why do i keep saying: "um" "maybe" "if" "i think" "supposedly"
i should be confident. first step to relationship bliss. right? confidence in it.
we can do it. right?
i can do it.
i'm the problem.
i just have to be more brave. more like a lion. courageous. leadershipy. yeah. i don't know where i'm going with this.
i should shut up.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
kind of pissed off.
not because no one came. just that. i don't know. it's just not that okay. i'm pissed off all the time randomly.
maybe this is one of those times.
but i fucking doubt it.
you may say that i'm a dreamer.. but i'm not the only one
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
2. You like cake.
3. You’ve never been to the beach.
4. You’ve never been to the ocean.
5. You live in the United States.
6. You’ve smoked weed.
7. You’ve smoked cigarettes.
8. You’ve cheated on a test at school.
9. You’ve ran when you were angry.
10. You’ve cried yourself to sleep.
11. You’ve written a poem.
12. You’ve written a story.
13. You like thunderstorms and rain.
14. You like the snow.
15. You prefer warm weather.
16. You sleep with a fan on.
17. You sleep with the TV on.
18. You’ve sang a song all the way through today.
19. You talked to someone you didn’t like today.
20. You’ve drank a whole carton of milk by yourself.
21. You bought something you didn’t need recently.
22.You are wearing jewelry of some kind right now.
23. You’ve drank alcohol.
24. You’ve went trick or treating when you were too old.
25. You have went ice skating.
26. You have went roller blading.
27. You’ve been on a skateboard.
28. You have a pet at your house.
29. You like cats.
30. You like dogs.
31.You enjoy Italian food.
32.You enjoy Mexican food.
33.You enjoy Asian food.
34. You enjoy American food.
35. You’re listening to music right now.
36. You’ve slept walked.
37. You’re currently mad at someone.
38. You’re currently annoyed.
39. You’re currently in a good mood.
40. You like Tic Tacs.
41. You’re currently tired.
42. Your favorite band is the Beatles.
43. You’ve painted your face before.
44. You have a job.
45. You hate your life.
46. You want to go to the movies.
47. You’ve played Strip Poker.
48. You like to play card games.
49. You’re currently bored.
50. You’re currently hungry.

-Peter Pan
thanks wendy.. for reading to me last night. i'm sorry i fell asleep. it was perfect.
i can't be peter pan much longer.. i'm growing up. i'm sending out college applications. :/
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
you're in my body.. still.

i'm not good at relationships. or being single actually. i might be worse at that. i'm not sure. i'm not very normal in that aspect of life. i'm just a really mean person.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
public pajamas. someone needs to get crackin' on that.

alaska is a little scallywag
and goes on the counter and pushes things off.
she goes on the table and pushes things off.
attacks my face in the morning.
i love her.

Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
dionne wright.

Saturday, November 21, 2009
just da tip!

things that can suck it:
- college
- school
- tallwood high schoolians
- my body weight
- the world
- society
- admissions people
- deodorant
- whoever created that word because it's hard to spell
- emily bronte even though she's awesome
- dr. coxe
- savannah flores
i get to see patty tonight! it was so nice of her little sister to invite me to go to the airport with them!
further deets later.
Friday, November 20, 2009
pet peeve.
"oh, so you're going to the store?"
"i just ate humans"
"you have?"
"..yes i just said that."
"i was going to kill that triceratops but then i got ice cream instead."
"were you now?"
peeve. peeve. peeve. peeve.
not feeling good at all lately,

i feel so inferior.
if one more person says "that's so depressing.." "i'm like, depressed right now" i'll lose it. maybe i'll start counting how many times it happens.
speaking of depression, does it end? i mean i sure as hell feel better than january february of last year. but. does it ever completely go away? i'm still having panic attacks and twitching and random crying and pain and "suicidal ideology". how long does this last?
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

- A- anger. i feel so fucking angry all the time now. it's awesome. hi F-bombs i missed you!
- B- bummed. refer to some post from like.. this morning
- C- crazy. i can't control anything. i'm stupid ughhh
- D- dick. i feel like a dick when i talk to you. i hate how mean i am now when i'm angry
- E- empathetic! when i was crying in the bathroom today. there was this girl crying in the stall right next to me but being way louder about it. i was silent. i know how to cry in a public restroom. i was like comforted almost. i kind of wanted to like.. go in the stall and hug her and tell her it'll get better. dumb. dumbdumbdumb.
- F- fuck. i feel like yelling that. a lot.
- G- gagged. really bad asian food. everything supposed to be hot food today was way undercooked. TAPEWORMS GET IN MY BELLY!
- H- hungry due to shitty food
- J- like a jackass
- K- kicked around. fuck karma.
- L- lame i just closed my eyes and screamed because my mom turned on the tv and it was in the middle of so yout hink you can dance and i hadn't seen the beginning and they were kciking people off.
- M- malodorous. i stank.
- N- needy
- O- out of it
- P- poop of course
- Q- shutup
- R- ridic
- S- stupid
- T- tired. I GOT HOME AT 8. EIGHT. i got to eric's at 6:30. way later than usual.
- U- unorganized. no college essays written. none.
- V- two vaginas.
- W- wavering. ughhh.
- X- SHUT. UP.
- Y- yellow is my favorite color
- Z- zebra=mariah carey.
okay. so that ended up getting annoying. soooooo angry. i give up.
um. excuse me sir..
you said you'd call me last night before i went on the bus. actually you said.
"what are you doing tonight?"
"hunter's coming over and leaving at eight."
"then i'll call at 8:01"
you know that.. driving home from hunter's house i was actually excited to prove that i could not be an asshole and make this work?
you know that.. after a while i just thought 'well.. he usually calls after ten maybe he has homework i'll wait!'
you know that.. i stayed up as long as i could and when i felt myself falling asleep i put my phone's volume on SUPER LOUD and put it under my ear so i would wake up if you called.
you know that.. you didn't call.
you know that.. you fell asleep early
you know that.. you're acting like it's not a big deal.
it was really important to me. stupid. but true. thanks..
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
perfect blog to open it up. :)
Monday, November 16, 2009

One time, there this this lake and uh, it was right outside of town. We used to go fishin' and swimmin' and canoein' in it, and uh, this one November this flock o'ducks came in and landed on that lake, and uh the tempurature dropped sp fast that the lake froze right there and then the ducks, they flew off ya see and took the lake with them and uh, now they say that lake is over in Georgia...imagin' that.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
margo roth spiegelman.
" 'Come here,' she said, and I took a step forward. She hugged me, and the bags made it hard to hug her back, but if I dropped them I might wake someone. I could feel her on her tiptoes and then her mouth was right up against my ear and she said, very clearly, 'I. Will. Miss. Hanging. Out. With. You.'
'You don't have to,' I answered aloud. I tried to hide my dissapointment. 'If you don't like them anymore,' I said, 'just hang out with me. My friends are actually, like, nice.'
Her lips were so close to me that I could feel her smile. 'I'm afraid it's not possible,' she whispered. She let go then, but kept looking at me, taking step after step backward. She raised her eyebrows finally, and smiled, and I believed the smile. I watched her climb up a tree and then lift herself onto the roof outside of her second-floor bedroom window. She jimmied her window open and crawled inside.
I walked through my unlocked front door, tiptoed through the kitchen to my bedroom, peeled off my jeans, threw them into a corner of the closet back near the window screen, downloaded the picture of Jase, and got into bed, my mind booming with the things I would say to her at school."
i want to be her sometimes. right before she dissapeared.
i can do that.
i plan things. i just never go through with them. you'd be suprised by the planning that has taken place in that red journal.
you'd be suprised the maps and locations and routes i had marked.
i. will. miss. hanging. out. with. you.
i'm at katie's house.

reminds me of pearl's picture. cause it's just her eyes. yeaaaah.
I'm talkin bout everybody gettin crunk crunk, Boys tryna touch my junk junk
maybe pearl.. both of my parents aren't the most trustworthy people.
neither is a certain someone after a certain something happening..
i think she just understands the best. and whatever i could tell her. she would get it. maybe not approve or like.. back me up but she would get it. see where i'm coming from.
what is your favorite memory from your childhood?
whenever something happened. my mom would hold both my hands look at me and say "close your eyes. let's make a memory" and she would describe the moment and we would open our eyes. and the memory would be made.
i remember all of them. those are my favorites.
on the way to nick's house. i started crying. and i got really really angry. for no reason. afterwards caleb said, "well, you're going through a lot of crap" seriously.. like what?
seriously. try to name something that not every other teenager is going through also. it's.. just me. i'm a fucking mess. admit it. i don't need a justification for it. i just am. it's okay. it's just. ughh whatever.
or maybe this is pathetic and all i need to do is get a grip.
you're in my body/that's where i think about you
more and more opportunities to do some bad stuff are arising.
"And tonight will go on forever while we walk around this town like we own the streets and stay awake through summer like we own the heat Singing "everybody wake up(wake up)it's time to get down" (everybody, everybody wake up its time to get down) And when I pass the bottle back to Pete on the overpass tonight, I bet we laugh"
"I'm gonna stay eighteen forever (cut me open) So we can stay like this forever (sun poisoned) And we'll never miss a party (this offer stands forever) cause we keep them going constantly And we'll never have to listen (new haircut) to anyone about anything (new bracelet) cause it's all been done and it's all been said (eyeliner) we're the coolest kids and we take what we can get (wait forever) The hell out of this town Find some conversation The low fuel lights been on for days It doesn't mean anyhting I've got another 500 nother 500 miles before we shut this engine down, we shut it down "
"your stomachs filled up but you're starved for conversation"
"The time has come for colds and overcoats. We're quiet on the ride, we're all just waiting to get home. Another week away, my greatest fear. I need the smell of summer, I need its noises in my ears. If looks could really kill, then my profession would be staring. Please know we do this cause we care and not for the thrill. Collect calls to home to tell them that I realize that everyone who lives will someday die and die alone."
"And we won't let you in. Though we're down and out"
i always look for my secret on postsecret.

Saturday, November 14, 2009
caleb sleepover 2x
we got in a bigish fight though.. (big for us)
he basically said like. he's tired of being a close-minded jerk who says mean things to me and has all these standards for me and shit.
it was nice to hear.
i almost told him about.. something.
like. "things just happened so fast. i don't think i've processed it yet"
he said that scared him. i think he knew what i meant.
we argue about the stupidest shit which leads up to a meaningful one. i guess that's how it always goes.
i feel like i can be more specific when i have this private. kind of like it. maybe i'll keep it this way.
maybe maybe maybe maybe.
myssyk is fuckin' adorable. i want him to like me. like not be his friend or his student i just want him to be like "savannah, she's a good person" strange feeling. everyone wants to be liked.
i made 6th chair! out of 14. not as good as last year.. i think if we did reseating i would have done good but.. yeah. aaron whitehurst was first! i'm so happy for him. he needs to be appreciated more. then katie was like 8th or 10th or something. and elly sat next to her on the outside. and uhh. christiana was back there.. i'm not sure. all i know is that. me and aaron were da best! haha ishouldn'tcareishouldn'tcareishouldn'tcare. but i feel like we're kind of underdogsish. compared to like.. fuckin' katie. whatever. i'm just not completely dissapointed or overjoyed.
uhhh. i feel really ambivalent about.. things.
this whole week i've been feeling off balance. like i'm on a boat. like seasick. it's so weird. i can't move my head fast or i'll just like.. die. but yeah!
shit's great..
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
i use a bunch of tumblr shit on here anyway.
pearl has this bookmarked.. :) that's nice of her. to care.
i check her shit too.
so many blogs today. because of stuckinhousealldayness.
caleb's sleeping over for the whole weekend basically. OH JOY.
that sounds sarcastic.
uhhh. yeah.
paper towns.
well when i asked her if she knew about your accident she did and it was not even a big deal. everyone had alread known except me. mhm but when we were at the 711 i saw you in one of the isles and looked around to see if any one else had noticed that you were there but everyone was gone. i called out your name but you just bought an arizone ice tea and left. then i walked outside and you were gone. but everyone was waiting for me so we could go.
then i woke up.
that sounds nice. i should be more like that. more like margo roth spiegelman.
instead of this richoting in between shit.
i learned a song on guitar for you too.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
GOD. i'm sick of it.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
who cares.
i have no idea what to write here lately. i have trouble talking too. i might switch back to my red hunting hat for a while. my mom wants me to publish my journal. she's never read it. i say horrible things about her in there. when i was really angry. i say horrible things about a lot of people. i'm really a terrible person. some of it i can't read. when i was really depressed. my hands like.. forgot how to write. it's interesting i guess. now. back then it was scary. funny how that works.
in eighth grade. way before a box cutter or scissors were my weapons of choice. i use to scratch myself. one day i got a little cut on my hand. and i tore it open. and then i tore that open. i used my nails to harm my skin. they looked like burns. i would scratch and scratch until i bled. the scars are gone though. but looking back. god. it was so.. barbaric. i don't think i've ever told anyone that before. but i've been thinking about it a lot. here i feel like i'm allowed to talk about that stuff. lately i'm afraid. i guess it's like. i don't know. forget it.
i miss my therapist.
i miss my box cutter.
haleigh asked me why i was depressed. such a fucked up question. if it was one thing. if it was my dog ran away or something. i would get over it and move on. but my fucking head got so beaten down from eight hundred things happening to it everyday that now when i just fucking forget my lunch at home i break down and cry my eyes out. it's my fucking fault. how's that to answer the question "what did i miss the past year?"
she's so fucking happy now. it's disgusting. she said her outlook on life is amazing now. it's like.. she never needed me. actually i probably brought her down. it makes it look like that at least. and that i needed her and without her i turned into this mess.
that's not the problem at all. but it sure looks like it. ughhh.
i'm just wasting fucking time.
i get so angry at myself at the end of these sometimes.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
things on my mind.
fascinated by suicide.
maybe it's because i feel that way and i search online and through books and through people and everything to see if people feel remotely close to how i'm feeling because i feel so fucking alone in this. everyone is happy. i hate this. i know it's always wrong. going into ODC i thought everyone was smarter than me and everyone understood. going into GSA i thought everyone was better than me and everyone understood.
or maybe i am fascinated.
maybe i will.
but right now. that's not the plan. i can't do that to my mom. or my friends. i can't.