Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Everyone saw the band aid and knows why it's there. I don't care.
Jeff, Dionne, and Dr. Warren have asked if they need to talk to me. I can't say anything.
Caleb doesn't love me anymore and will not get back together with me. I love him.
My therapist says it's basically impossible for us to be best friends right now. That killed me.
She's right.
Two people acknowledged my existance today. It made me happier than it should.
I didn't make a speech today. I got a lot of praise on the performance.
My dad goes on trips with his girlfriend instead of spending weekends with me. I'm alone.
He wants to know what he's doing wrong and says he feels like he's failing me as a father. He's right.

Just have to suck it in. Be a good cellist. Be a good student. Be a good friend. Be a good person. Be a good ex-girlfriend.
Just ignore it. Don't talk about it. Ignore it. Ignore him. Don't talk about it. Keep it in.

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