hi blog.
here are my feelings. in alphabetical order and of importance kind of.
- A- anger. i feel so fucking angry all the time now. it's awesome. hi F-bombs i missed you!
- B- bummed. refer to some post from like.. this morning
- C- crazy. i can't control anything. i'm stupid ughhh
- D- dick. i feel like a dick when i talk to you. i hate how mean i am now when i'm angry
- E- empathetic! when i was crying in the bathroom today. there was this girl crying in the stall right next to me but being way louder about it. i was silent. i know how to cry in a public restroom. i was like comforted almost. i kind of wanted to like.. go in the stall and hug her and tell her it'll get better. dumb. dumbdumbdumb.
- F- fuck. i feel like yelling that. a lot.
- G- gagged. really bad asian food. everything supposed to be hot food today was way undercooked. TAPEWORMS GET IN MY BELLY!
- H- hungry due to shitty food
- J- like a jackass
- K- kicked around. fuck karma.
- L- lame i just closed my eyes and screamed because my mom turned on the tv and it was in the middle of so yout hink you can dance and i hadn't seen the beginning and they were kciking people off.
- M- malodorous. i stank.
- N- needy
- O- out of it
- P- poop of course
- Q- shutup
- R- ridic
- S- stupid
- T- tired. I GOT HOME AT 8. EIGHT. i got to eric's at 6:30. way later than usual.
- U- unorganized. no college essays written. none.
- V- two vaginas.
- W- wavering. ughhh.
- X- SHUT. UP.
- Y- yellow is my favorite color
- Z- zebra=mariah carey.
okay. so that ended up getting annoying. soooooo angry. i give up.
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